Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Event: Ohio Brew Week

Just received a RateBeer notification about Ohio Brew Week, which will take place on July 16-21st, 2007 in Athens, Ohio. Great news for me--I'll be about an hour north of there for a family reunion that around that time, and may need to swing south to visit my alma mater, Ohio University. Athens, for those not familiar, is a great little college town in the foothills of southeastern Ohio. Fond memories of the town, especially since my wife and I met there. So I am pleased to see Athens play host to the regional beer festival.

Past highlights of Ohio Beer Week have included sessions with beer speakers, homebrew competitions, opportunities to try Ohio microbrews, and apparently lots of focus on cooking with beer (fitting, since 10 of the local restaurants are hosting the event). More info as I learn more.

A word to the wise, though--the limited hotel accommodations in the area fill up quickly, even in the summer. Best to book rooms now.

1 comment:

  1. Stop by and say "Hi!"

    I'll be there.

    While at Ohio Brew Week July 17, 18 and part of the 19th, Bob will talk about: “Why There Might Be A Beer In Your Refrigerator Today—How Beer Left The Saloon And Became A Household Guest,” “American Beer History—Urban Legends That Just Won’t Go Away.”
