Brewery: Highland Brewing Company
Brewery Location: Asheville (western North Carolina)
Beer: Oatmeal Porter
BJCP Style: 12A. Brown Porter
Serving: Bottle
Appearance: Pours black/brown, with a big head; big, loose bubbles cling to the side of the glass; held up to the light, it turns a reddish-brown
Smell: rich, chocolate roast, similar to Bell's Porter--enough to make me salivate like one of Pavlov's dogs!
Taste: Chocolate and roasted malts, with a nice hop balance; flavor starts strong, but diminishes mid-finish, leaving remnants of a roasty aftertaste--could be a tad beefier; I can't sense much of the oat flavor
Mouthfeel: creamy, with carbonation prickly on tongue
Drinkability: A little prickly due to the carbonation, and I wish the beer was meatier mid-finish, but it's still a highly drinkable porter; hints of chocolate and roast, without being overbearing, make this a solid session porter.
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