From the Craft Brew Sustainability Desk. Water conservation taps into the current Green movement, but it also makes good business sense. Cleary Leinenkugel's agrees, given their sponsorship.
Curious how prevalent this type of concern is in other states. If you know of other such movements, please leave details in Comments section.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE –Milwaukee, WI - The Great Lakes Craft Brewers & Water Conservation Conference is proud to announce that the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co., Chippewa Falls and Milwaukee, WI, will be the Platinum Sponsor, with special support provided by Beer Capitol Distributing Inc., Wauwatosa, WI. The National Wildlife Federation is providing outreach support through its Great Waters Restoration program.
The conference will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 26-27, 2009 and focuses on best practices in water conservation for small and medium-sized craft brewers. This is the first independent conference designed to bring together craft brewers, policy makers and nonprofit organizations for education and discussion about water conservation. Early registration price of $195 per person offered through Friday, September 18, 2009.
Dick Leinenkugel, Secretary of Commerce for the State of Wisconsin, will give the keynote address, on the economic impacts of the Great Lakes Compact and projects including the Milwaukee 7 Water Council.
Jake Leinenkugel, president of the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co., will speak at the Monday evening reception at the Discovery World museum on Pier Wisconsin in downtown Milwaukee.
Marc Smith, state policy manager for the National Wildlife Federation’s Great Lakes Regional Center, will outline opportunities for collaboration with conservation groups.
“We are thrilled to have the support of the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co.,” says Lucy Saunders, conference organizer. For generations, the Leinenkugel family has supported conservation in its brewing practices and continues to make new improvements, with progress made across water, energy and waste reductions in recent years.
Participating breweries include Bridgeport Brewing Co. (Jeff Edgerton), MillerCoors Pilot Brewery (Troy Rysewyk), New Glarus Brewing Co. (Dan Carey), Odell Brewing Co. (Doug Odell) and Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. (Fred Strachan). Poster sessions showcase designs and systems for water conservation, auditing, wastewater treatment and recycling in breweries/pubs.
The Monday, October 26, 2009 reception, open to the public from 5-8pm, features a special tasting with artisan cheesemakers, including Bob Wills of Cedar Grove Cheese Co., a leader in sustainable wastewater treatment, and displays by water conservation groups such as WaterKeepers and Clean Wisconsin. The $60 ticket includes a buffet dinner catered by the Bartolotta Catering Co., Pier Wisconsin., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Conference details, the call for posters, and tickets for the Monday evening reception are available online, at:
-- Posted from my iPhone
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Events: Ohio Fall Craft Beer Calendar
Five local events for beer aficionados in the Dayton/Cincinnati area:
September 19 -- Beer Judge Certification Program Training Class
Held at Belmont Party Supply. For more info, contact Bat Bateman at or 845-0572.
September 19-20 -- Zinzinnati Oktoberfest
What better way to celebrate Oktoberfest than to head to Ohio's largest Oktoberfest? Modeled after the festival in Munich in a Midwestern city known for its German heritage. For the rationale for why Oktoberfest is in September, check out this write-up I did a couple of years ago.
September 26-27 -- Dayton Art Institute Oktoberfest and Homebrew Competition
A week later, head 50 miles north to Dayton's largest Oktoberfest. Benefit the Art Institute and is always a good time. This year, they've added a homebrew contest.
October 24 -- Miami Valley Beer Fest
Miami Valley Beer Fest is a non-profit, charitable, craft beer event to benefit the Resident Home Association (RHA). RHA is working in conjunction with Belmont Party Supply, a leader in the Dayton craft beer scene for 25 years, to bring you an educational and safe day of fun, food, and most importantly craft beer.
Help prove that Boston's Bistro & Pub is the most arrogant pub in the world. Boston's has held the title for the last two years and is trying for three-peat. Dave's looking to move as much Arrogant Bastard as possible, so look for some insane deals that week.
September 19 -- Beer Judge Certification Program Training Class
Held at Belmont Party Supply. For more info, contact Bat Bateman at or 845-0572.
September 19-20 -- Zinzinnati Oktoberfest
What better way to celebrate Oktoberfest than to head to Ohio's largest Oktoberfest? Modeled after the festival in Munich in a Midwestern city known for its German heritage. For the rationale for why Oktoberfest is in September, check out this write-up I did a couple of years ago.
September 26-27 -- Dayton Art Institute Oktoberfest and Homebrew Competition
A week later, head 50 miles north to Dayton's largest Oktoberfest. Benefit the Art Institute and is always a good time. This year, they've added a homebrew contest.
October 24 -- Miami Valley Beer Fest
Miami Valley Beer Fest is a non-profit, charitable, craft beer event to benefit the Resident Home Association (RHA). RHA is working in conjunction with Belmont Party Supply, a leader in the Dayton craft beer scene for 25 years, to bring you an educational and safe day of fun, food, and most importantly craft beer.
Miami Valley Beer Fest will be held indoors at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds in the Roundhouse from 2pm - 6pm on October 24th, 2009. There will be a limited amount of tickets available at participating bars and restaurants, as well as Belmont Party Supply. (from the MV Beer Fest website)
Help prove that Boston's Bistro & Pub is the most arrogant pub in the world. Boston's has held the title for the last two years and is trying for three-peat. Dave's looking to move as much Arrogant Bastard as possible, so look for some insane deals that week.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Review: Buckeye Brewing Hippie IPA
Brewery: The Buckeye Brewing Company
Brewery Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Beer: Hippie IPA (scroll down to find it on the list)
BJCP Style: 14B. American IPA
Serving: Bottle
Appearance: Tawny, rust colored, with a relatively low head, more brown than amber, although in all fairness, it's a little tough to tell in this mug.
Smell: Piney, reminiscent of the 2007 Anchor Christmas Ale.
Taste: Big malt flavor, with hefty crystal malt. However, it's the hops that dominate. Big, piney hops. Most IPAs focus on the big citrusy C hops. Not sure what hops are used here, but they are definitely on the pine, earthy end of the spectrum [ed note: according to the brewery website, the recipe uses Northern and Cascade hops, so I stand corrected on the lack of C hops]. As noted above, reminds me of the Anchor Christmas ale from two years ago.
Mouthfeel: Hops are sharp, but big malt mellows them out.
Drinkability: I am generally not a fan of the pine hops, so I was a little disappointed when I opened this and got a whiff of scotch pines. I may stand alone, but I've not been a fan of the Amchor Christmas ales, which this beer reminded me of. However, as I work through the bottle, this beer is growing on me. It is pushing my boundaries a bit; not sure I would naturally gravitate to this beer, but I appreciate what the brewer is doing and think this a solid beer.
Tags: beer, craft beer, Buckeyes, OSU, Ohio State, IPA, Hippie IPA, Buckeye Brewing
Beer and Baseball
A Wall Street Journal article right up my alley, combining beer and baseball. The article compares beer prices at stadiums to the record of the teams. Kind of a weak comparison, since it doesn't take into account cost of living or, more importantly, the kind of beer served. Still, worth a read for the dig on the Nationals (ignoring the comment about Fenway because all Sox fans know it is more about the experience of being on that historic park).
Technorati Tags: baseball, Wall Street Journal, Red Sox, Nationals, stadium beer prices, beer, craft beer, brewing, homebrew
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Canned Beer Festival
Received the update below from Before we get into the meat of the update, a few noteworthy items:
- The Canned Beer Fest is being put on by Buckbean Brewing, out of Reno, NV. The have two beers they market: Original Orange Blossom Ale and Black Noddy Lager. Their marketing team offered samples to bloggers a while back, so I got to try both. The Orange Blossom Ale was a little too sweet, in a teenage bubblegum way, but I really liked the Black Noddy. Marks for a refreshing Black Lager, which most American brewers don't tackle, and for putting it in a can.
- NONE of the beers in this festival are available in Ohio. I haven't seen any canned craft beers out here and I don't understand why not. Have you seen Ohio? If the Midwest doesn't scream canned beer, what does?
- Be sure to check out, a clearinghouse for beer-related events and press releases. I get too many of them to publish them here, although I will republish ones that I find interesting from time to time.
- The Canned Beer Fest is being put on by Buckbean Brewing, out of Reno, NV. The have two beers they market: Original Orange Blossom Ale and Black Noddy Lager. Their marketing team offered samples to bloggers a while back, so I got to try both. The Orange Blossom Ale was a little too sweet, in a teenage bubblegum way, but I really liked the Black Noddy. Marks for a refreshing Black Lager, which most American brewers don't tackle, and for putting it in a can.
- NONE of the beers in this festival are available in Ohio. I haven't seen any canned craft beers out here and I don't understand why not. Have you seen Ohio? If the Midwest doesn't scream canned beer, what does?
- Be sure to check out, a clearinghouse for beer-related events and press releases. I get too many of them to publish them here, although I will republish ones that I find interesting from time to time.
Reno, NV (August 2009)—Buckbean Brewing Company, Nevada’s largest production microbrewery, will bring to Reno this October the first ever CANFEST – Reno International Canned Beer Festival, the first international beer judging and tasting for canned beer, to take place at the Grand Sierra Resort & Casino, Oct. 23, 2009.
Buckbean, a company that packages their beers in environmentally-friendly 16 ounce aluminum cans, hopes to shed light on the various breweries across the US that distribute their brews in cans and crush the many myths regarding beer in cans. Proceeds from the event will benefit The Nature Conservancy and the Great Basin Bird Observatory.
The competition will commence and finish in the Grand Sierra Theater October 23, from 6:30 p.m. -10:30 p.m. Judging will take place prior to the public tasting. Celebrities from the beer world will judge the beers individually, based on categories still to be decided. Beer seminars, beer and food pairings and a forum of brewers that can beer are planned.
Along with Buckbean Brewing Company, Big Sky Brewing Company, Oskar Blues, Ukiah Brewing Company, Maui Brewing Company, Surly Brewing Company, New Belgium Brewing Company, Uncommon Brewers, and Rochester Mills Brewing Company are a few that have confirmed they will attend the event.
Ticket prices are $35 per person and room packages will be available for attendees. For more information, please contact Constance Aguilar from Abbi Public Relations at or by calling 775.323.2977.
Technorati Tags: beer, canned beer, beer in a can, homebrew,, Buckbean Brewing
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Moerlein Lager House at Cincinnati Riverfront Park
Christian Moerlein, an original Cincinnati brewery and makers of Over The Rhine Ale and Barbarossa Double Dark Lager, are opening a restaurant and brewery along the Ohio River. Details at the link below. Props to Moerlein and the city of Cincinnati for committing to Green building. (Thanks to RJ for posting the link initially.)
Moerlein Lager House at Cincinnati Riverfront Park - Christian Moerlein Brewing Co. selected to develop new Cincinnati Riverfront Park restaurant - Cincinnati News at
Moerlein Lager House at Cincinnati Riverfront Park - Christian Moerlein Brewing Co. selected to develop new Cincinnati Riverfront Park restaurant - Cincinnati News at
Technorati Tags: Moerlein, Christian Moerlein, Over The Rhine Ale, OTR Ale, Barbarossa, Cincinnati, brewery, beer
Resurrection of KevBrews
A day before the two-year anniversary of my last post, I have decided to resume posting. During the hiatus, I landed a new job and my wife and I had our third child (and first daughter). But I haven't given up my love of beer, just lost the time to write about it. Now that things are settling in, it's time to start writing again.
Some quick notes of local or personal interest:
- The 11th annual Dayton Alefest took place in Carillon Park last weekend. I have attended for the last 6 years (since we moved back to Ohio) and this was BY FAR the best weather--dry, sunny, and in the mid-70s. Attendance continues to grow each year. This year there were more draft beers than I recall in the past, most which were conveniently clustered in one area. Some whispers about Cavalier's lack of participation, which meant no Dogfish Head (no Randall) or Stone. That was disappointing, but I still imbibed a lot of interesting beers including Bell's Third Coast Old Ale and Goose Island Night Stalker, both on tap.
- Speaking of Bell's, the family and I took our annual summer vacation to western Michigan, this time to Ludington. We stopped at Bell's Eccentric Cafe for lunch, where I tried their Wild One, a delicious sour ale. Most of the family turned up their noses at it, but I thought it was incredibly third quenching and paired well with my burger.
- While in Ludington, we hit Jamesport Brewing. I was disappointed that they were out of their IPA, but thier dry stout made up for it. And, the burger was one of the best I've had in a long, long time. The group consensus was the beer was B+ good, but the food was a solid A.
- Finally had a chance to brew again (it had been nearly as long ago that I brewed as when I last posted). I was shooting for a twist on a British bitter. A session beer (only 3.6% ABV), but using late addition Centennial hops rather than a traditional British hop. The brew was an experiment to see if I could brew outside, with the boys (age 5 and 3) and keep them entertained while still producing a solid brew. Call it Daddy multi-tasking. I put it into the keg today and was impressed thus far. Will let it carbonate naturally, they chill and serve next week.
- Joined the Passport club at The Pub last night. Only 52 beers left to try before I get $4 pints for life. Last night, the cask was BrewDog Paradox Smokehead, with a really nice Scotch peatiness. Body was a bit thin, but the smokiness made up for it.
That's all for today. I'm shooting for updates at least weekly, although I have a backlog of items to notes this month.
Some quick notes of local or personal interest:
- The 11th annual Dayton Alefest took place in Carillon Park last weekend. I have attended for the last 6 years (since we moved back to Ohio) and this was BY FAR the best weather--dry, sunny, and in the mid-70s. Attendance continues to grow each year. This year there were more draft beers than I recall in the past, most which were conveniently clustered in one area. Some whispers about Cavalier's lack of participation, which meant no Dogfish Head (no Randall) or Stone. That was disappointing, but I still imbibed a lot of interesting beers including Bell's Third Coast Old Ale and Goose Island Night Stalker, both on tap.
- Speaking of Bell's, the family and I took our annual summer vacation to western Michigan, this time to Ludington. We stopped at Bell's Eccentric Cafe for lunch, where I tried their Wild One, a delicious sour ale. Most of the family turned up their noses at it, but I thought it was incredibly third quenching and paired well with my burger.
- While in Ludington, we hit Jamesport Brewing. I was disappointed that they were out of their IPA, but thier dry stout made up for it. And, the burger was one of the best I've had in a long, long time. The group consensus was the beer was B+ good, but the food was a solid A.
- Finally had a chance to brew again (it had been nearly as long ago that I brewed as when I last posted). I was shooting for a twist on a British bitter. A session beer (only 3.6% ABV), but using late addition Centennial hops rather than a traditional British hop. The brew was an experiment to see if I could brew outside, with the boys (age 5 and 3) and keep them entertained while still producing a solid brew. Call it Daddy multi-tasking. I put it into the keg today and was impressed thus far. Will let it carbonate naturally, they chill and serve next week.
- Joined the Passport club at The Pub last night. Only 52 beers left to try before I get $4 pints for life. Last night, the cask was BrewDog Paradox Smokehead, with a really nice Scotch peatiness. Body was a bit thin, but the smokiness made up for it.
That's all for today. I'm shooting for updates at least weekly, although I have a backlog of items to notes this month.
Technorati Tags: AleFest, Bell's, Eccentric Cafe, Wild One, Third Coast Ale, Goose Island, Night Stalker, Cavalier, Ludington, Jamesport Brewing, The Pub, Passport club, BrewDog, Paradox, Smokehead, brewing, homebrewing, beer
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