Sunday, October 15, 2006

Review: Bell's Best Brown

Here's the second installment in my reviews of Great Lakes area breweries (Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois)--this one from Bell's, one of my favorite area breweries. In fact, my sister-in-law is getting married in Ann Arbor next summer and we are planning a side trip to check out the Bell's Eccentric Cafe.

Brewery: Bell's Brewery
Brewery Location: Southwest Michigan
Bell's Best Brown
BJCP Style:
11A. Mild (English Brown Ale)

A: Pours brownish amber, slightly murky. Not a lot of head retention--mostly a small ring around the outside of the glass.

S: Nutty chocolate aroma, hints of raisin as it warms.

T: Caramel with hints of coffee and toffee; low hop flavor--malt flavor dominates.

M: Moderate--low to medium carbonation.

D: This beer would be great as a session beer. It is smooth and easy to drink. Flavorful, but not overpowering. I only picked up a single bottle, and when I finished, I wished I had bought a sixer. However, given a choice between this and Bell's Porter, I'd go for the porter every time.

Most BA reviewers liked it. Many seem to agree, however, that as good as this beer is, some of Bell's other offerings are stronger.

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