Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Review: Thirsty Dog Old Leghumper

I recently decided to start focusing on beers and brewing in the Great Lakes region (specifically Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Illinois). Most blogs seem to focus on the coasts or Colorado, so the Great Lakes region seems underrepresented (despite the fact that we have some amazing beers here). In keeping with this new found mission, I present the first of what I hope will be a long series of local beer reviews.

I started with Thirsty Dog Brewing Company's Old Leghumper Robust Porter. At one time, this brewery was Dayton's only true brewpub (although they've since packed up and left us dry). So here goes:

Brewery: Thirsty Dog Brewing Company
Brewery Location: Northeast Ohio
Old Leghumper Robust Porter
BJCP Style:
12B Robust Porter

A: Opaque, black, pours thick, rich mocha head, head settles quickly, but rings the edge of the glass.

S: Sweet, dark roast aroma--black and chocolate malts

T: Assertive roasted malt presence up front--you can really taste the black and chocolate malts; some slickness on the tongue; slight presence of chocolate and coffee, but mainly overpowered by roast bitterness.

M: Full mouthfeel, although not overly carbonated.

D: The roast bitterness is a bit overwhelming for me, although appropriate for the style. Pairs well with extra sharp cheddar cheese. Overall, I think the roasty taste is out of balance with the chocolate and coffee flavors. This beer is decent, but there are other examples of the style that I prefer more. Not sure I'd buy another sixer, but I would order it if it were on tap someplace and I'd certainly recommend it to a friend.

Most BA reviewers seem to like it more than I do (note that I've added this review to BA, too).


  1. At first I tasted the birth of a civilization—the hope of a quenched thirst much like the one a stone-age traveler must have experienced upon viewing the glorious walls of Jericho. Next, a winey perfume whispered to me as though I were an honored guest at a Moroccan bazaar. . . . But then, across the great landscape of my palate, surged the screaming hordes of pagan invaders. Dark and mysterious were the roasty waves as though the blood of sacrificed criminals dripped from my lips. Towards the end of my swoon, as though by divine creation, a sweetness spanked me—was it sweet?—or was it spiced cocoa gently procured by noble savages from a far away tropical paradise.
    Drink it early; drink it often! The path to glory is clear! Leghumper for all!

  2. Old Leghumper is a pretty darn good porter, not the best but still well put together (plus, the name and label make it very catchy and almost a collector-like bottle to keep as a conversation piece at your next get together).

    I'd also recommend Thirsty Dog Siberian Night Imperial Stout as a "must try" from this brewery. One of the best in its category in my humble opinion. Very nice!
