Brewery: Carolina Brewing Company
Brewery Location: Holly Springs (eastern North Carolina)
Beer: Nut Brown Ale
BJCP Style: 10C. American Brown Ale
Serving: Bottle
Appearance: pours mahogany, with red highlights, and a thin, white head
Smell: low hops, aroma dominated by crystal and chocolate malts
Taste: somewhat more aggressive than other browns I've tried--some hop bite upfront, then a mellow, malty flavor, with suggestions of coffee and hazelnut; nutty flavor extends through the finish
Mouthfeel: some slickness, suggesting diacetyl; some astringency pricks the tongue
Drinkability: smooth and easy to drink, while more assertive than other browns I've sampled (the Bell's Best Brown Ale, for instance); a tad bit heavy on residual sweetness in the finish
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