A note about the name: according to the company website, the Cottonwood Endo IPA was brewed in dedication to the Cottonwood Mountain Bike Race Team ("endo" being a cycling term for flipping over one's handlebars).
Brewery: Carolina Beer & Beverage Company
Brewery Location: Mooresville (western North Carolina)
Beer: Cottonwood Endo IPA
BJCP Style: 14B. American IPA
Serving: Bottle
Appearance: clear amber body, with a thick head
Smell: nice citrus (Cascade) hop aroma, with mild malt aroma as it warms
Taste: big hops balance well with dry malt character; hop flavor is bright, clean, and citrusy, making the beer crisp, without being overwhelmed by hops, with a dry hop finish
Mouthfeel: mild, very pleasant carbonation that accentuates the beer's hoppiness
Drinkability: Heavily hopped, yet extremely well-balanced--contrary to the name, this beer won't send you headfirst over the handlebars. Very pleasurable, very drinkable--could be a decent session beer.
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